R. S. Kinnaird Memorials

" Carrying on a tradition of quality  workmanship and dedication to community since 1874."

Cemetery Memorials

There are many types of private memorials from which to choose. All of the  memorials shown here are available in a wide variety of materials and sizes.  The examples are shown only to give an idea of style and design, you have an  almost unlimited choice of design and materials for use in your memorial.  Click  on the thumbnails to see examples of each style listed (the pages may take a  minute to load due to their size).





Double upright memorials are for place ment on two or more
gravesites and usually consisit of an upright tablet on a base.




Single upright memorials are for placement on a single
gravesite and usually consist of an upright tablet on a base.



Custom memorials of many different designs are possible.



Double slant memorials are idea in situations
where height of the memorial is a concern.




Single slant faced memorials can be placed on single
gravesites and can come with or without a base.













This site is owned and maintained by R. S. Kinnaird Memorials.
Direct any questions or comments to:   john@kinnairdmemorials.com